Join Our Team and Become a Director
Lewisham Tenants Fund are looking for new directors to join our management committee. This is an excellent and exciting opportunity to
Putting Lewisham council tenants at the heart of the decision making
Be part of a team that works to ensure that the Fund has the resources to meet its legal, financial and other obligations
Contribute and help to improve lives and communities by influencing the local and wider community
Act as an ambassador of the Fund that ‘champions’ community and resident engagement with our key stakeholders
The management is made up of voluntary directors and welcome candidates that have experience and skills in
Community development or
Running a tenants association
However these attributes are not essential, as training is available.
We are particularly looking for candidates that have ‘a can do’ attitude and have a deep passion to work with us to empower and keep resident led organisations sustainable for the benefit of Lewisham council tenants.
Interested? For more information about becoming a director, please contact Gloria
Tel: 0208 314 1006
Lewisham council tenants only apply