• administrator@l-t-f.co.uk
  • 020 8314 1006
applications must be submitted by

How to apply

Tenants and Residents Associations (TRAs)

  • Funding is available to all accredited Lewisham Homes Tenants and Residents Associations.
  • Grant application forms must be submitted with a copy of the latest bank statement to Lewisham Tenants Fund (LTF) - please find contact details at the bottom of the page.
  • All applications must be agreed by the group and minuted by the committee

The grants available 2022-23

Admin Grants

Tenant led groups

Explanation of what Admin Grants are for


Equipment Grants

Get equipment for the use of your Tenants and Residents Association. For example, a projector, digital camera or stationary.
Equipment grants can be applied for to enable greater tenant involvement.

Computer Grants

Spend up to £500 on a computer or computer equipment for the use of your Tenants and Residents Association. 
Computer grants can be applied for to enable greater tenant involvement.

Event Grants

Spend up to £1000 a year on events which benefit residents represented by your Tenants and Residents’ Association.
You can spend up to £750 on a single event.

Venue Grants

To enable accredited tenants’ groups that do not have free access to community rooms to meet the cost of hiring a suitable venue, if the TRA has insufficient funds available.

Marketing Grants

To cover the costs of designing and printing TRA marketing material

Further information

Further guidelines on how money can be spent can be found here.

The decision to award the grant or otherwise will be made by the Lewisham Tenants’ Fund Administrator. The current Administrator is Julie Littlejohn, administrator@l-t-f.co.uk, 020 8314 1006. The decision will be made within 10 working days.

To appeal a decision, please fill in and submit the completed appeals form.