• administrator@l-t-f.co.uk
  • 020 8314 1006
help Lewisham Council Tenants

Hire a Venue

The purpose of the grant

To enable accredited Tenants Groups that do not have free access to community rooms to meet the cost of hiring a suitable venue

Who can apply

Accredited Tenants Groups which have less than one year of admin grant funding in their account

Maximum Grant available

No maximum but must be at the going local rate. Resident involvement staff will be consulted.

How an application is made

Complete the venue grant application form (below).


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Venue grant policy

The item claimed for should enhance and encourage greater tenant involvement

Grants cannot normally be applied for after expenditure has been incurred.

Please check with Resident Involvement staff as to whether you will need liability insurance and advise us accordingly.

Copies of your Groups last audited accounts and proof of your current cash balance must be sent with your application. (Copy of bank statement or pass book).

All applications will be acknowledged within 5 working days.

Download grant application form

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